Buddha figurine number one was made by the Gillinder glass in the USA.
It is 5½"(14cm) high and 4"(13cm)wide in one piece.
'Established in 1861, Gillinder Glass (Gillinder Brothers, Inc.) is a sixth-generation owned custom glass manufacturer still operating and located in Port Jervis, New York.
The company specializes in custom-molded, hand-pressed, clear and colored glass products "Made in the USA” from (Gillinder-owned) and (customer-owned) molds.'
Gillinder Glass webpage
Buddha figurine number two was made by Cambridge glass who were an American company in the USA.
It is 6"(15.3cm) high and 4"(13cm) wide in one piece.
Buddha figurine number three was made by Cambridge glass USA.
It is 7¾"(19.7cm) high and 5 ⅛"(13cm) wide in one piece.
Buddha number four is a three piece figural flower frog that was made by Cambridge glass USA.
It is a 9½" (24cm) high the base is 5½"(14cm) wide.
More information about this figural flower frog can be seen in the Archivd articles dated December 2018.
Pictured below is a Cambridge Buddha figurine #2 is seated on a desk lamp without its lamp shade.
It is 20"(58cm) high
Fitted within the stand is a light fitting for illumination to enhance the display effect.
What is pot metal.
Pot metal, also known as monkey metal, white metal or die-cast zinc, is a colloquial term that refers to alloys that consist of inexpensive, low-melting point metals used to make fast, inexpensive castings.
The BUDDHA is 6"(15.3CM) high and 4"(10.3cm) wide.
The figurine is the same one as seen with the #4 figural flower frog.
See Archived artilce dated December 2018.
Cambridge BUDDHA figurine #3 used as a door stop.
It is 10¼ (26cm) high x 7" (18cm) wide.
Fitted within the stand is a light fitting for illumination to enhance the display effect.