What is interesting is the lettering on the base.
You can just make out the word FRANCE and above it you can also just see the letters S P _ P.
Note the similarities with the vase above.
S.P.I.P., Establishments
Glass Sales
Paris, F
Company data
The company sells Art Glass and Crystal as well as Art objects from various materials in its business premises.
In 1935 refreshes the trademarks' Verlux 'SPIP' and 'Vermer' register.
Art Glass with the 'Verlux' mark is featured in the> Verrerie des Andelys, Holophane S.A. (Verlys) Produced. Pressed Glass named 'SPIP' with the addition.
'Tchechoslovaquie' is made for a company in Czechoslovakia and exported to France.
The hut for 'Vermer' productions is still unknown.
The company is based in Paris, 39 Rue de La Grange-Aux-Belles.
Lit 28,168,339.
I have been unable find out what the lettering SPIP means.
Should you know the meaning of the lettering SPIP please let me know.
Neil Cooper