Entwined in her long hair that flows down her back are roses.
This White coloured Statue and Block is the only one that I ever seen in all my years as a collector.
I believe it to be Very Rare if not Extremely Rare at this point in time due to its colour.
They are mostly seen in amber, green, blue and pink in a clear and frosted finish also seen in green jade.
I still went ahead and purchased them, as I knew the Statue and Block was made by James A Jobling in Sunderland England.
The bowl was made by the Hermanova Hut Glassworks in Czechoslovakia.
It is the bowl #19678 pictured below on page 19 of their 1958 glass catalogue.
As a point of interest I have added the pictures below to illustrate that Jobling produced two variations of the Statue.
The Statue on the left has long hair with roses entwined down to her feet.
Where as the Statue on the right has been modified by the removal of the roses to produce a smooth fall of hair down to her feet.
Three years passed before I eventually found and purchased on eBay a White FIR CONE pattern bowl pictured below that was made by James A Jobling in Sunderland England.
The seller had it listed as Made in France.